Visa Croatia

I noticed lots of people seams to have problems finding information about the visa system in Croatia, several people has also asked me, if they actual need a visa for travelling to Croatia, so I decided to make a small overview of the current situation. (For more detailed information you will need to check web pages of Croatian Ministry of foreign affairs and European integration) If you are still not sure after reading this, please feel free to leave comments at bottom of this page, I will then do my best to provide you with the information you are looking for.

Please note, special rules apply for guest arriving in Croatia on a cruise ship, if you are passenger on a cruise ship, you cruise company will automatically provide with visa, if necessary.

To start with you can see list of countries from which you don’t need visa for visiting Croatia …


If your are citizens of one of the following countries you can visit the Republic of Croatia and stay for up to 90 days and you may of course also transit through Croatian territory:

Andorra, Argentine, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italian, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Nicaragua, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Portuguese, Romania, El Salvador, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Swiss, Turkey, UK, Uruguay, USA, Vatican, Venezuela.

The exemption from the visa requirement also applies to the holders of valid travel documents issued in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and in the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
The exemption from the visa requirement also applies to the following holders of valid travel documents of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

  1. British Nationals (Overseas);
  2. British Overseas Territories Citizens who have the right of abode in the United Kingdom, and
  3. British Subjects who have the right of abode in the United Kingdom.


Nationals of the following states may enter the Republic of Croatia with a valid identity card or a document confirming their identity and nationality:

European Economic Area (EEA), Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican, Swiss.


If you are citizens of on of the below mentionrd countries you will need to apply for Visa before entering the Croatian Republic of Croatia, once you have obtain the Visa you can stay up to 90 days in the country, with a valid visa you may of course also transit the country to reach other destinations.

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Columbia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of the Congo, Cรดte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji Islands, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Lebanese Republic, Liberia, Jamahiriya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Russia, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Yemen.

The visa requirement also applies to holders of travel documents issued in the territory of Taiwan, People’s Republic of China.
The visa requirement also applies to holders of travel documents issued in the territory of the Palestinian Authority, the entity not fully recognized as a subject in terms of international law.
The visa requirement also applies to the following holders of valid travel documents of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

  1. British Overseas Territories Citizens who do not have the right of abode in the United Kingdom,
  2. British Overseas Citizens,
  3. British Protected Persons, and
  4. British Subjects who do not have the right of abode in the United Kingdom.

The Government of the Republic of Croatia may introduce a provisional suspension of the visa regime for a certain period, for nationals of some states.


  1. We will fly from Thailand to Italy, then take an overnight ferry from Bari (Italy) to Dubrovnik, then stay in Croatia for 7 days, hire a car for travelling, then get the train from Zagreb to Budapest, and finally fly back Thailand from Hungary.

    So, if we are a holder of the short-term stay ITALY Schengen Visa, and also our purpose is tourist visiting, we do not have to apply for the Croatian Visa, do we?

    Is our understanding right?

    Thank you

    • hi,
      as per i know … i had enquiry abt it too last year …. u can enter in croatia through any territory belong to schengen visa… but only one problem u must in group of (5 PERSONS )… then only u will able to enter …

  2. Naseer Ahmad,
    Of course you can get a tourist visa for Croatia.
    For more information visit:

    Having a valid Schengen visa;
    a)organised group means having a person as your travel guide (who works for a travel agency or other company) and must have proper qualifications to be a tourist guide. The group can be of only two persons as long as you have a preson as a travel guide. Also, you must have your travel itinerary from the agency where your guide works. Citizens of different countries have different conditions of entry in Croatia. You, as Indian citizen do not have to arrive on a cruise ship but must come from a Schengen member country. Not to forget you have to have a valid travel health insurance.

    2)The section number 2 applies to you, as you are Indian citizen.
    As well, section 2 was written so that citizens of the countries mentioned should not think that the regulation number 1 applies to them as well, it does not.

    You can check for confirmation with the Croatian embassy. I assure you that they will answer the same I did. Though, I work as a border agent and I check all information in the system used at port of entries.

    c)You must leave the country with the same group with whom you entered.

    Croatia has the same regulations as the Schengen member countries. As so, you are allowed to stay up to 90 days in a 180 day period. If you leave the country for a week or two it does not reset the clock, you would still be allowed to stay 90 days in a 180 day period. You can apply for a short-term stay visa. It is not expensive, and you would easily get it, as Australian citizen.

    Your understanding is good. You do not have to apply for a Croatian visa.

  3. Thank you very much JackD. So, now I can save the Croatian VISA fee, and the difficulty of applying the Croatian VISA in Thailand.

    • Hi! I was having the same problem. I was just having a chat with my mom on what we were going to do. I’m from Sri Lanka and we do not have a Croatian Embassy here in Colombo which means I have to go through the Croatian Embassy in New Delhi, India. Since I will be travelling soon to Europe I can not send our passports to New Delhi.
      Polapat thank you for raising that question. Happy Travels
      JackD thank you very my for the information.

  4. Hi, I am holding an Indian Passport and am staying Oman on work permit. I wish to visit Croatia. What are the visa procedure? I can get Schengen visa (frequent travel to Europe).

    Since Croatia does not have an Embassy here.

    What is the best way to reach Zabok?

  5. Hi to all Experts,

    I have gone through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on “Visa requirement overviews” (, but still having a couple of doubts here.

    Would appreciate if anyone can provide any info for my case.

    * As a Chinese passport holder and currently working in the UK (provided with valid residence permit / work permit);
    * Have a valid Schengen visa;
    * Would like to travel to Croatia for a few days in early June (which falls in the published temporarily facilitate period, from 1 April to 31 October 2011);

    In terms of travelling via airoplane into Croatia, does it require for Croatia visa prior travelling?

    Appreciate for your answers / experience in advance.

  6. Hello,

    To JackD (author) and Croatia Expert,

    I’ve sent the same question as above to the Consular officer, Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Indonesia. He replied me as follows:

    “You need a visa because ferry is not cruise ship and even if you are arriving on a cruise ship you will not be able to stay overnight at the shore.

    cruise ship is
    a ship used to carry groups of tourists from port to port on a designated route and usually equipped to entertain them lavishly along the way

    ferryboat is
    a boat transport (people, vehicles, or goods) by boat across a body of water.”

    Why he said like that? So sad to heard from him ๐Ÿ™

    Does anyone already have this experience? or
    Has anyone been to Croatia by ferry without VISA yet?

    Thank you,

    PS: I didn’t argue both of you, but just only want to know.

  7. Benjamim,
    Visa required, except for A max stay of 90 days:
    – for nationals of India provided holding normal passports
    together with visa issued by a Schengen Member State
    TIRGL/SCHN and a travel health insurance. Passenger must
    travel as a tourist in an organised group and arrive from a
    Schengen Member State.
    You can get a visa at the nearest Croatian Embassy.
    More information here:

    Visa required, except for A max stay of 90 days:
    – for holders of Hong Kong (SAR China) passports;
    – for nationals of China (People’s Rep.) provided holding
    normal passports together with visa issued by a Schengen
    Member State TIRGL/SCHN and a travel health insurance.
    Passenger must travel as a tourist in an organised group
    and arrive from a Schengen Member State.
    Since UK is not a Schengen member state you require a visa.

    Unfortunately, if you received that reply then you require a visa.
    Sorry, I just red your question again and I misunderstood your Italian visa with Italian Residence Permit. But you will get a Croatian visa easily, as you already got your Italian one and it is not expensive. I wish you a welcome to Croatia and have a good time here.

  8. Hello Experts,

    I am the captain of a pleasure yacht coming to Croatia with a South African national aboard. She is the holder of a Schengen visa. Will this be enough to enter Croatia for 90 days? Will she also require travel health insurance?

    • Hi,
      as per i know โ€ฆ i had enquiry abt it too last year โ€ฆ. SHE can enter in croatia through any territory belong to schengen visaโ€ฆ but only one problem SHE must in group of (5 PERSONS )โ€ฆ then only SHE will able to enter โ€ฆ.. N MUST NOTE (WHILE IN N OUT SHE MUST BE IN SAME GROUP)




  9. Hi ,

    I heard the news that the Kuwaitis people no need to get Visa from June to September ? Is it true !!

  10. I am possibly joining a super yacht as a crew member once it is in Croatia.
    I will be flying in from South Africa to Croatia, I will then board the yacht as crew and the yacht will spend some time in Croatia and then depart to European waters.
    I have a Schengen and a Seaman’s book.
    What visa will I need to enter Croatia to join my boat?

  11. Ben,
    Since she is arriving on a pleasure yacht, she requires a visa.
    Schengen visa is valid for entry into Croatia only if arriving to Croatia on cruise ships with the purpose of tourist visit.

    Yes IF you are holding normal passport together with a visa issued by a Schengen Member State and a travel health insurance.

    You will need a Travel (tourist) visa.
    -Travel visa may be issued for one, two or multiple entries into the Republic of Croatia, for tourist, business, personal or other purposes. Validity period of a travel visa is up to one year.
    Continuous stay or total duration of consecutive stays may not exceed 90 days in the period of 6 months, counting from the date of first entry.

  12. Hi,

    I am citizen of Ukraine and I live in Czech Republic on a basis of the permanent residence permit. I’m going to take a 1-week holiday in Croatia together with my wife and daughter (both are Ukrainians with permanent residence permit in Czech Rep). We are going to book a hotel, but travelling alone by car (not in an organized tourist group).

    Do we need visas?
    Thank you.

    • Hi!I have an ukrainian friend, I would like to meet her in Croatia. Somebody told you if a Visa is mandatory and how to get it?

      thank you,


  13. Do to some kind of bug in WP, it is not possible to add further questions /comments to this page, you may continue on this page Visa Continued – just look in the menu under USEFULL STUFF and find the menu Point VISA CONTINUED.

    Best regards, Morten / JackD

  14. hi i am a citizen of India and am going for the first time to Croatia i would like to know if i can stay in Croatia for a time span of 5 months i.e, do i get a tourist visa valid for 6 months, please guide me because i have to book the ticket soon. reply to me at
    Thank You

  15. hi i am an indian residing in india…plz help me how i can visit monaco brief information that from where i can reach monaco

  16. Thank you for all the info.

    I am from Ecuador and I understand I need a visa to enter Croatia.

    Nevertheless, there is no Embassy or Consulate of Croatia in my country.

    Where and how should I apply for a visa?

    Thank you,

  17. Dear Croatia Border Expert,

    Thank you for the good job you are doing for current traveling guild. I am Nigerian, I wish to do my holiday sometime in February, I don’t have a visa because w don’t have Croatia embassy here, and no currier is ready to pick my passport to Egypt or South Africa, I want to know if possible I can procure tourist visa at port of entry with all the Croatia visa requirements . I will appreciated your recommendation.



  18. I am a citizan of Qatar and carry Qatari passport. I am taking the Passage to Eastern Europe with the Viking cruise ship that leave from Bucharst, Roumania to Budapest, Hungary. The ship passes Bulgaria
    Serbia and Croatia before end in Budapest. According to the schedule we will stay only 1 or 2 nights in Croatia. I have Schengen Visa and I will obtain Roumania visa from Doha – Qatar, as we have Roumanian Embassy in Doha. Do I need to obtain a visa for me and my wife to enter Croatia in this trip?

    Thank you

    Ibrahim Yousef Al-Jaidah

  19. I m a nigerian wishing to visit croatia for a holiday. Hw do get the visa requirement. Pls help me 2 get d web contact

  20. Greetings!I am a filipino currently working in taiwan.It would be a great pleasure if somebody could do me a favor sharing their thoughts on this matter,to which I wish to visit a friend in Norway for holidays{maybe 4 to 7 days}.I could file for a vacation leave but I would want to know,if I need a visa to get there,and if i need so,how can i get one?I have a contract here and i think there is no norwegian embassy in Taiwan.The truth is,I was rejected way back 2009 when I applied for a tourist visa,insufficient ties to leave the country of origin,I am separated long time ago,but since I am not annuled yet and I am going to visit a male friend,from what I understand on the rejection letter,THAT might also added for the rejection matters.But anyways,back to my inquiry,i am looking forward for your opinions and suggestions.thank you so much.I would really appreciate it.

  21. hello sir,
    my name is mitul sheth , i m indian citizen holding indian passport. i m married to croatian citizen gul in india…. can u tell me pls whts the procedure for me to get visa n stay with her in croatia…
    pls do reply …

  22. I am a Liberian living in th USA, I am in need of croatian visa to travel to Zagred next may for leadership seminar to zagred institute of management and ecomonics. kindly send me all the requirements of procedure invove.

  23. Dear Sir,
    We are a bahraini national and wish to visit Croatia as a tourists.
    We will be visiting europe next month and wish to visit croatia as well.
    Will it be possible to obtain the croatian visa from any european country because its not available in Bahrain?

    Thanks and best regards.


  24. Hello. I wanted to ask, do I need visa for Croatia , if a have residence permit in Bulgaria, but I am citizen of Armenia. Can I enter Croatia with my bulgarian ID cart. Thank you!

  25. I am a Bahraini. Can I apply for the croatia visa through the croatian embassy in Austria.

  26. Good day,

    I am stuck. I am invited to go with my friend and his family to the Island of Brac near Croatia. We will be going from Bosnia, to Croatia and get to Brac with the ferry. Do I need to apply for A Croatian visa or a Bosnian visa? What would I need to have more?

    Is there anyone that could help me with this please?
    Thank you

  27. Hi,
    I am a Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines.
    My partner and I are planning to go on a European tour this March. Once we get our Schengen visa we plan to take a 7-night cruise from Venice with few hours visits on the shores of Greece, Turkey and Croatia.
    Do we need a visa for this short visit to Croatia?

  28. sir
    i am Pakistani National , living in MALAYSIA on dependent pass (of my child study here ) i need to visit Croatia , as a tourist , what documents i required for visa .
    please give us the details of requirments

  29. Dear Sir,
    I am italian, but my wife is chinese. We plan to travel in Croatia by car, entering it from the Slovenian border. Since my wife is not italian citzen but holds a Schengen C type visa, is she required to apply for a Visa to enter Croatia in such an informal trip? Please, I’m looking forward to your opinion about it, my best regards,


  30. To all experts.

    I am Indonesian citizen will travel to Croatia, Slovenia and Netherlands.
    With flight from Singapore to Munich change plane to Lufthansa fly from Munich to Zagreb.
    So I didn’t stay overnight in Munich just connecting flight in Munich airport.

    Is it count that I arrive from Schengen country so I dont need Croatian visa to enter Zagreb ?

    Thanks alot.

  31. Hello,

    Looking for information regarding bringing my car over to Croatia.

    Iยดm Portuguese, my wife is Croatian and Iยดm awaiting Croatian Resident Status and live in Croatia.

    My car is in Portugal, registered under my company.


    1. Can I drive my car up to Croatia and be allowed to drive in Croatia with Portuguese license plates while I await for Resident Status and after Iยดm granted Resident Status?

    2. If no to question 1, what is required from me and what are my best and cost effective options to have and drive my car in Croatia?

    Thank you.

      • hi Sir,

        I need help for my case, and trying to contact croatian embassy but its complicated.
        I am from Tunisia, and i live in Qatar, i have few moths i decide to visit croatia for a week, i will book with expedia, agency the hotel and my flight, but the only problem, is do i need tourist visa, and who i can contact to process that, because i have limited time, and i am working.

        Kindly sir, waiting for your answer.

        thanks and regard.


  32. Please Help,

    Im trying to plan a honey moon for my partner and I (i am a UK passport holder and he is South African) I currently live in Cape Town South Africa and have spoken to the Croatian embassy in Pretoria (we live in Cape Town where there is no Croatian embassy) to avoid the added expense of flying to Pretoria to appear in person as per there requirements, I was advised by one of the lady’s at the embassy that with a valid schengen Type C visa and supporting documentation (what you used to apply for the visa) you may be granted entry!!

    Obviously im confused as Croatia is NOT a schengen state!!!

    Please can you clarify this for me!!!!

    • Hi Clair, I’d love clarity as well.

      We both South African’s and will be traveling to Italy on a multiple entry Italian Schengen Visa.
      From Italy we will visit Croatia for 4 days and return to Italy and then cruise from Italy for 7 days on the med and fly back to South Africa from Venice. We phoned the embassy and they said as long as we have all the required papers, visit of stay, proof of income etc(As required to apply for a VISA) we can enter in Croatia on our Schengen Visa. I just want confirmation in writing that this is the case and be sure what papers we need to have with us.

    • Hi Clair, I think if we google enough we will find the answer.

      I just found the following:

      Regulation on the Amendments to the Visa Regime Regulation (Official Gazette No. 148/10 entered into force on January 1st 2011)

      Article 5
      By way of exception from Article 4 of this Regulation, unless stipulated otherwise by international agreements, holders of valid diplomatic and service passports of the following states do not require a visa for entering the Republic of Croatia and for a stay of up to 90 days or for passing through the territory of the Republic of Croatia:

      Republic of Armenia, Pluralistic Republic of Bolivia, Peopleโ€™s Republic of China, Republic of Columbia, Republic of Cuba, Arab Republic of Egypt, Georgia, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, Kingdom of Morocco, Sultanate of Oman, Republic of Peru, Republic of the Philippines, State of Qatar, Russian Federation, Republic of South Africa, Kingdom of Thailand, Republic of Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

    • HI,

  33. Dear sir,

    i need information ho i can apply fortourist visa to croatia.

    i m from tunisia, and i live in Qatar, after i move here, i was confused wich embassy i need to contact and what is the requirement and papers needed for that.
    urgent case sir, to spend holidays before i start the work ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks and regards.


  34. please clarify for me if a southa african schengen visa holder would be allowed to enter croatia from italy without applying for any other visas?

    Thank you,

      1160 Church Street, 0083 Colbyn, Pretoria
      P.O. Box 11335, Hatfield 0028, Pretoria


      Working hours for visa clients from Monday to Friday: 9-12

      Web:, E-mail:

      Tel.: +27 12 342 1206
      Fax: +27 12 342 0790


      Government of the Republic of Croatia, at its session on 7 December 2011, has adopted the decision to temporarily facilitate the entry of foreigners on tourist visits to the Republic of Croatia on the basis of valid Schengen residence permits and visas. Consequently, the following categories of foreigners temporarily, from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012, do not require a visa for entering the Republic of Croatia:

      1. Holders of valid Schengen residence permits;

      2. Holders of valid Schengen uniform visas (type C – 2 or multiple entries);

      3. Holders of valid Schengen long-stay visa (type D).

      Above mentioned Schengen documents must be valid at the moment of leaving the Republic of Croatia.

      • What about holders of valid Europian Union Country residence permit??? For example Bulgaria???

      • hi ๐Ÿ™‚

        i need some explanation about this type of visa please.
        to know, if i need entry visa to spend holidays or no.
        thans a lot

  35. I am a Chinese passport holder, but have permanent living permission in Finland. I would like to travel Crotia in this Summer.Do I have to apply visa?

  36. Good Day Sir,

    I am crew on cruise ship.. my fiancee coming to cruise for 2 months… we have 2 ports in coratia ( ship docks in the morning and leaves in the afternoon) she is having mutiple entry Schengen visa. Will that help ? or does she need Coratian Visa?

  37. Hi ,

    I just want to know that being an Indian citizen i am having a Schengen visa from Austria /Switzerland do i need a seperate visa for Croatia if i have to come to this country by train from Austria for tourist purpose in the month of june

  38. hi Sir,

    I need help for my case, and trying to contact croatian embassy but its complicated.
    I am from Tunisia, and i live in Qatar, i have few moths i decide to visit croatia for a week, i will book with expedia, agency the hotel and my flight, but the only problem, is do i need tourist visa, and who i can contact to process that, because i have limited time, and i am working.

    Kindly sir, waiting for your answer.

    thanks and regard.

  39. Hi,

    I’m a Jordanian national residing in the United Arab Emirates.

    I know that I need a vis to visit Croatia but as the nearest Croatian embassy/consulate is in Egypt or Jordan I was wondering if obtaining a multiple entry Scehngen visa would suffice to fulfill the visa requirements. I don’t intend to go in a tourist group as I am visiting friends there, but would I need to join a group for the purposes of the visa?


  40. I am a Bangladeshi citizen planning to go on a cruise vacation with my family. The cruise will depart from Venice and pass through Croatia and return back to Venice. If I have a multiple entry Shengen visa will I need a visa for Croatia?

  41. Dear
    I am holding a Laos passport and I have an italian resident permit,my question, am I required a visa to visit croatia for a day??
    thank for you reply in advance

  42. Some people are mjust too silly! Can you read please?? ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Government of the Republic of Croatia, at its session on 7 December 2011, has adopted the decision to temporarily facilitate the entry of foreigners on tourist visits to the Republic of Croatia on the basis of valid Schengen residence permits and visas. Consequently, the following categories of foreigners temporarily, from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012, do not require a visa for entering the Republic of Croatia:

    1. Holders of valid Schengen residence permits;

    2. Holders of valid Schengen uniform visas (type C โ€“ 2 or multiple entries);

    3. Holders of valid Schengen long-stay visa (type D).

    Above mentioned Schengen documents must be valid at the moment of leaving the Republic of Croatia.

  43. Hi,
    My husband and i are indian citizens with indian passports. We are travelling to several countries within schengen. our entry and exit points areE through vienna. we are taking the eurorail from budapest to zagreb. we will spend 4-5 days in croatia after which again we will leave for ljubljana. please advise do we need a croatia visa if we hold a valid multiple entry visa for schengen for the entire journey??

    • If you have valid multiple entry Schengen Visa for the entire period you don’t need Croatia visa, this is exempted, please read below excerpt from Croatia visa web page.


      Government of the Republic of Croatia, at its session on 7 December 2011, has adopted the decision to temporarily facilitate the entry of foreigners on tourist visits to the Republic of Croatia on the basis of valid Schengen residence permits and visas. Consequently, the following categories of foreigners temporarily, from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012, do not require a visa for entering the Republic of Croatia:

      1. Holders of valid Schengen residence permits;

      2. Holders of valid Schengen uniform visas (type C โ€“ 2 or multiple entries);

      3. Holders of valid Schengen long-stay visa (type D).

      Above mentioned Schengen documents must be valid at the moment of leaving the Republic of Croatia.

  44. Do i need a Visa to enter Croatia if i have a valid UK VISA? I am an Indian passport holder having a valid UK VISA (British visa).

    Please help me!

  45. hi i am egyptian i am goind to hungary in july with a schengen visa can i enter crotia with its visa or i must get its visa??
    thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Hi, I am Thai. I saw Croatia visa is not required if holding double or multiple entries Schengen visa. This is due to people will go back to Schengen countries after visiting Croatia. I have single entry Schengen visa. If I visited other Schengen countries then Croatia then leave Europe from Croatia, would single entry visa is enough?

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