
Adopt a Croatian olive tree


Zizanj is beautiful small island in the Adriatic Sea, between Pasman and the Kornati Archipel, and yet only 4.5 sea miles (8 km) from the mainland Biograd na Moru.

Zizanj olive oil

But Zizanj is also a brand of high quality extra virgin olive oil, it is the home of the orchard Zizanj doo, situated on the south spit of this island.

The extra Virgin olive oil is biological produced. The harvest is around 20th October and pressed within 24 hours, but before pressing, complete harvest of that day is hand-controlled, and removed, all bad and damaged olives, handles and leaves, its a labour of love. All these hard works means a fantastic taste and odour, a minimum on acidity, and a natural medicine for your body.

beatiful olives

In the past years people are more and more anxious about their health, and they like to know where their food is grow. For this reason Zizanj doo, offers the possibility to adopt one or more trees, for one year or as long as you wish. The concept of adopting a tree and receiving its goods has a strong connection to our desire to eat healthier and the fact that the people want to feel a stronger connection to the food they eat, and to the people how are growing the food.

harvesting the olives

For the majority of the people around the world, olive oil is not a local product, yet by adopting an olive tree, it can provide you the similar comfort, because you can have extra virgin olive oil from your own tree.

By adopting an olive tree on the island of Zizanj you receive a certificate with your tree number, 1kg extra virgin olive oil from your own tree, and the possibility to buy as much extra virgin olive oil, from your own tree as you prefer.

Possibility to visit your tree.

The adoption for one tree is 50 euro for one year.

our olives ready to be pressed

In the future Zizanj doo, will offer exclusive tourism in complete privacy, on an olive orchard of 4,5 ha.

More information about Zinanj and a map of the adopted trees you can find here



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