
Good Friday procession and tradition in Croatia

Before Easter, people in Dalmatia (Croatian region) have long tradition and at unique way -pass through- days before Easter, or to be more specific, recalling Jesus suffers in days before he died. So in different parts of Croatia people do it on specific way. I will mention one place called Lovrec which is situated 70 km south east from Split city.
cross - Lovrec

On Good Friday people from all villages which belong to Lovrec are walking in procession about 13 km through all villages’ wearing a big cross on the shoulders. It is a great honour to carry the cross and during procession people are changing to wear it. The choir sing in procession the impressive melodious song “Crying of Our Lady” from the 15th century. They called this procession “The cross way”. Through whole way of procession people pray and sing recalling Jesus suffer to the final death on the cross. Interesting thing is that in villages people meet them and offer them food and refreshment.

Tradition of Good Friday is to eat fish and drink red wine. Children use to paint eggs and grandmothers bake sweet bread for Easter day. They always made more to give family and friends. The most interesting animation for children at Easter is to make a egg competition and stamp each others egg, the strongest egg wins and the owner of that egg is winner.

Easter Sunday involves going to the early morning mass with small baskets filled with food to be blessed; eating a breakfast of ham, eggs, grated horse radish, spring onion and home-made bread; and a dinner of turkey. Little children might also get candy from the Easter Bunny.And Easter Monday is for visiting relatives.

Easter sweet bread

I wish you all a very happy and blessed Easter!

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    Thank you for sharing this post with us.. The egg decorations are beautiful.. Happy Easter.

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